Red Edge USB Tail Light

Red Edge USB Tail Light

Best Price $40.00

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Product Description

Your decision to race on an aerodynamic frame has treated you well when it comes to podiums, but when heading out for a casual group ride or casual weeknight spin its drawback shines through - or rather, doesn't shine at all. Mounting bike lights on aerodynamic frames is a task, most clamps aren't designed to fit, or bulge out to get in the way, until the designers at Most took it upon themselves to design the Red Edge USB Tail Light. Designed specifically with the Pinarello GAN and Dogma in mind, this tail light features a flexible silicone mount that wraps around your post, no matter the shape, for a secure fit while you ride. The Red Edge features a whopping 16 ultra-bright LEDs that arrange themselves vertically, so you won't have an overhang on either side of your seatpost while you're hammering on your pedals in low light. The light has five different modes, ranging for a mellow pulse to hi-beam for total visibility, while we haven't had the opportunity to verify, Most claims that the high mode boosts visibility to motorists who are hundreds of meters away, which can give you some peace of mind on long and windy country roads. The battery runs for 3 hours when on high, and is quick and easy to recharge, with a USB cable, charging completely from empty in about two hours.

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