Ortovox Diract Avalanche Beacon 2025

Ortovox Diract Avalanche Beacon 2025

Best Price $380.00

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Product Description

evo.com | Ortovox Avalanche Beacons > The Ortovox Diract Avalanche Beacon is hits all the right notes for a lifesaving device: compact, durable, and intuitive. Three Antenna search with a 50 meter search range lets you flag up to 4 people in the case of a rescue, and its single button operation makes it easy to focus in the heat of the moment. The Diract has a bright display and comes with a rechargeable battery that operates even in ultra cold temps. And with automatic switchover to transmit mode when not in use, Ortovox ensures that even the forgetful are protected. Flagging Function 4 Fully Graphic 34mm x 45mm Carrying System Weight 80 g Beacons Require Training Wearing an avalanche beacon is no guarantee of safety in avalanche terrain. We recommend that backcountry travelers take an AIARE Level One class or the equivalent, and practice the skills they learn there regularly with their partners. Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery Works in low temps | Ortovox Diract Avalanche Beacon 2025 in Blue

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