ABS S-Light Airbag Kit

ABS S-Light Airbag Kit

Best Price $303.97

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Product Description

ABS S-Light Airbag Kit: Your Ultimate Safety Companion in the Mountains 🏂

When it comes to your safety in the backcountry, the ABS S-Light 30L Airbag Kit has got your back. This kit is not just any ordinary gear; it's a game-changer for snowboarders and skiers alike.

Modular Design for Ultimate Versatility 🎒

The ABS S-Light base unit features a modular design that allows you to customize your pack according to your needs. Simply zip on packs of different sizes (sold separately) based on the adventure that awaits you that day.

Dual Airbag System for Maximum Protection 🛡️

Equipped with ABS's TwinBag system, this kit deploys two independent airbags on either side of the bag, providing increased surface area for added safety. This dual airbag design also serves as insurance against system failure, giving you peace of mind in the mountains.

Emergency Ready with Essential Features 🆘

Be prepared for any situation with the ABS S-Light Airbag Kit. It includes an emergency compartment for your shovel and probe, ensuring you have the necessary tools at your fingertips when you need them the most.

Durable and Reliable ABS Airbag System 🏔️

The ABS airbag system in this kit is built to last. The high-tensile steel ABS cartridge and activation handle are designed for reliability in critical moments. Plus, they can be refilled and swiftly exchanged after deployment, so you're always ready for your next adventure.

Stay Organized and Hydrated on the Go 💧

Keep your valuables safe in the dedicated compartment and stay hydrated with the hydration system compatibility of the ABS S-Light 30L Airbag Kit. It's not just about safety; it's about convenience and functionality for a seamless backcountry experience.

Don't compromise on safety when you hit the slopes. Choose the ABS S-Light Airbag Kit and elevate your mountain adventures to a whole new level of security and preparedness.